Monday, August 20, 2007

Basic Driving Survival Rules Whilst in Uganda

First of all, you MUST learn this phrase:
OLI MULALU? ( Repeat it as many times as necessary)
English translation: Are you crazy?

As you may or may not know, Uganda is not the safest place to drive. In fact , its probably the most dangerous place in which to drive. There are no "traffic rules". As they say in Pirates of the Caribbean, "they're more like Guidelines then actual rules". Theres not even any traffic signals. Do you have to have a license to drive there? I don't know for sure, but judging from my experiences... PROBABLY NOT.

So here are some basic tips to help you to not die.

Headlight Morse Code
In Uganda people regularly flash their headlights to communicate with other drivers.

_ _ = "Hi. I'm coming towards you"
_____ = " Watch out"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (etc) = You WILL die unless you move
__ _ __ = "Thank you"

Things to do to occupy yourself in a Jam
Jams occur regularly and unless properly prepared you will go mental. Heres what you can do:
1. Count the number of stalls on the road
2. Buy a newspaper from the sales boy walking through the traffic
3. Count how many times someone shouts MUZUNGO at you
4. Converse with people in the vehicle to your right or left, they are only a foot away after all, you might as well get to know them.

I hope these tips have proved useful or at least humorous in some way. We tried to find the humor in things so as not to think about how easily we could die. :)
More later!

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